Thursday, November 12, 2009


Sometimes life in my case will throw things at me that I feel right off the bat I'm not going to be able to deal with. I found that if I sit down and think about them before I react that I will be fine and I will find a way to take care of them. LOL couple of years ago I would be out drinking right now thinking that I'm gonna find a way to deal with them in a drunken stupor. Funny how and alcoholic mind thinks huh. Today I am sitting at work writing this blog in hopes of helping myself feel a little more at ease. So far so good. I have support and a loving family and a loving fiance in my life and those things alone help me in my everyday struggle. Today i will try like every other day in my life to be a better person. My worries and feeling are at ease and i will keep telling myself that, because positive thinking only ends up in positive results. I'm listening to Christmas music right now by Frank Sinatra, love that guy and it makes me feel warm and festive in the season.
This Christmas is going to be one that I will never forget, I have a new daughter and fiance that I get to buy presents for and it it excites me with great pleasure to finally have something like that. I think I might even have money to buy everyone else presents as well. So be happy people. I remember a time where I thought of Christmas as another time to party lol, now it is about family. New things are to come and I am ready and excited for them. I am a different man today and can handle anything that I put my mind to. Feels pretty good.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


You the people that stand next to me and the people that I love. You that never turn your back. You that show love to the ones that I love. Today was my step daughters birthday party and it was amazing. My mom and and family and her Mom through a party that was amazing. My whole family showed up and chipped in for everything that was served, I could not believe the love that they all showed for my new family. I know they are wonderful people but, to show love the way they did today for my new daughter was in most ways the most love i have ever seen. I know with YOU I would not be able to be the man I am today. Right now we live at my grandmothers house and we love it. Grandma couldn't be a better person in Shyla's life she loves her so much that it is hard to explain. Grandma loves children with more love then I have ever seen someone express. She is an amazing woman and because of her me and my new family have a lot more today. I want you my family to know that you are the most amazing people in my life and if it were not for you I would probably be in a lot worse place today. You all support me so much that i don't even know how to say thank you enough. Here is my letter to you, thank you from the bottom of my heart and thank you for standing next to me in lots of rough times. Today was amazing and to each and everyone of you I thank you over and over. You are special people and me and we are all very lucky to have each other. Family is most important and it has taken me until I was 29 years old to figure that out. Well at least I figured it out. Again this is to everyone in my family and I mean everyone I love you and am very proud to say I am your family as well. From Shyla Johnna and me, YOU ROCK Hopefully I am able to get this to you all and maybe you will read some of my other blogs it says a lot about me that is hard to say in person. You will get a better point of view of my struggles that I face in everyday life. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH.