Sunday, October 25, 2009


Stress is one of my biggest downfalls. I let things bother me way to much and I cannot do that. I feel as if little things drive me fuckin insane and that I cannot help them. I think right away that I want to drink because of my stressful situations. This I know is no way to fix the feelings that I am having. Just kinda writing at random because I feel I need to. Right now in my life I have a fiance and her little daughter which I see as my daughter as well. I feel as if I am always trying to discipline the little one. I know this is normal but I feel like a really mean person.It is very stressful to have a child in your life you want the best for them. I feel as if I am not making enough money I am not treating her right or I am not a good enough dad. I know this is prolly not true but it is the way i feel. Ii need to really realize that I cannot control everything as much as I want to. I need to realize that I cannot change things that I have no power over. I feel as if the weight of the world is on me and I do not know how to make it weight less lol. Anyways this blog made no sense at all but I feel a little better for sitting here and maybe letting another person know that they are not the only person with stress out there. Through all of these feelings though. I HAVE NOT DRANK.

1 comment:

  1. I know it must be really tough to be a new dad, it's all new and you're still learning the ropes. It's hard when your a kid and your parents discipline don't understand at the time that it's for their own good and that their parents what the best for them...but they will appreciate it later in life. I sure do! I'm glad I had strict parents...I think it saved me a lot of heartache in the end because they protected me from myself! You're doing a great job, so don't stress!
